Negative scanning
We scan negatives from many formats. These inculde 110, 126, 127, 25mm, 25mm 1/2 frame, 120 and 220 roll film up to 6x9 on 120/220 or up to 8x8 square.
Negative Film types we scan
110 flim

Originally purchased in a small cartridge for cameras similar to Kodak Ektalite 600
126 film

Bought in a larger cartidge and known as "instamatic film"
127 film

Large negative from the roll film in the Box Brownie or similar. Depending on the camera the negative is square or rectangular, bigger than 126, smaller than 120/220..
35mm film

Standard SLR film
35mm 1/2 frame

From the original Olympus Pen classic camera. Each 35mm frame contains 2 images.
120/220 roll film

Used in many formats by Hassleblad, Pentax, Mamiya, Bronica, Yashica, Lubitel and Rollei. 6x4.5, 6x6, 6x7 and 6x9.
Large single frame

Usually 6x8 to 8x8 size.
What we do…
On receipt of your negatives we will examine them on a light box.
Anything that is unscannable will be identified. This may be due to damage or mould on the film surface. If it is possible to rescue a slide that is badly damaged, we will quote on our “Restoration” service.
The slides will be cleaned using brushes and air blowers prior to scanning.
We scan up to a maximum 10,000 DPI, with larger formats up to 6,400 dpi using equipment from Nikon, Epson and Reflecta.
We use class leading Lasersoft software in the scanning process for removal of blemishes and colour restoration. This is very sensitive software and it can be a problem is used at too high a setting. So we do not rely on it alone. We use it t a medium setting only. That retains fine detail in the image that could otherwise be lost.
We aim to match the originals colour however when the colour has degraded, we do this to the most natural look we can achieve.
With black and white we will aim for a reasonable balance of contrast with shadow and highlight detail.
We return the master file to you as a large TIF for archiving, a full-size JPG for printing and a 4K sizes JPG for viewing on TV, computer or use in social media.
Our price list for negative scanning services can be found here.